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ZH Center for Military Medical Ethics

Workshop Announcement

7th ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics

The ICMM Reference Centre for Education on IHL and Ethics, the Medical Services Directorate of the Swiss Armed Forces, and the Center for Military Medical Ethics at Zurich University are pleased to announce the

7th annual ICMM workshop on Military Medical Ethics
End-of-life care – ethical issues in military and humanitarian missions
4-6 May 2017 at Forum Lilienberg in Ermatingen (CH).

2017 – Topic and Call for Papers

The main topic of the 2017 workshop will be End-of-life care – ethical issues in military and humanitarian missions. Ethical issues related to death and dying in clinical contexts have recently attracted much attention. In addition, legal regulations dealing with such issues as assisted suicide have also undergone changes in some countries.

The medical personnel deployed in military and humanitarian missions face similar ethical issues in end-of-life situations to their civilian counterparts, but must deal with additional layers of complexity such as limited resources, language barriers, mission rules etc. We thus invite contributions that approach these problems by taking into account the specific roles and obligations of military and humanitarian health care personnel and that cover for example the following topics:

  • Physician-assisted dying and/or physician-assisted suicide.
  • Mercy killing
  • Medical rules of eligibility for intensive care units. Continuous care
  • Palliative care
  • Burials and dealing with the dead

We equally encourage reports from the field (e.g. case studies) as well as philosophic papers or legal analyses. Presentations are expected to last 25 minutes in order to leave enough time for plenary discussions. The presentations will be edited in a comprehensive book (Further information below: Conference Proceedings).


Weiterführende Informationen


See also the website of the ICMM Center of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics, our close cooperation partner.